The Truth About Snorkeling in Bermuda’s Whalebone Bay (Or: Why I’m Eternally Terrified of Octopuses)

Editor’s note: Let the record reflect that Whalebone Bay is an interesting snorkeling spot if you’re staying on St. George’s Island in Bermuda, and I highly encourage everyone to go. I’m just a complete scaredy-cat when it comes to slippery aquatic creatures of the night. Also, watch this awesome video that explains the correct plural form(s) of the word ‘octopus.’
I slowly shied away from the tank, my eyes darting back and forth.
“What’s wrong, huh?” my brother teased, though he already knew. The little rascal—well, big rascal, as he was younger but taller than me—had nonchalantly remarked that an octopus can climb from one tank to another, a fact I wished I could unlearn as quickly as I heard it.